The Pack – Two Legged

Lori is a long time dog trainer and has been part of the dog agility world for 10+ years. She is a well accomplished handler having competed at AKC National Agility Championship and achieved multiple Master Agility Championships during her agility career.

Joel has been participating in the sport of dog agility for 10+ years. His love for dogs in addition to his love of sports (tennis and basketball) brought him to dog agility. Joel and his Belgian Tervuren were Finalists in the 2018 AKC Invitational placing in the top 10 in this high profile event. He was also a 2019 AKC Agility National Finalist with Tackle finishing 6th overall in the 24″ division. Joel is a digital marketer by day and aspiring photographer and dog trainer by night. He is alsa a UKI Judge and AKC Provisional Judge.
The Pack – Four Legged

SirenMACH3 Incyta's Don't Tempt Me RN TD MXC MJC XF
Siren is our first Belgian Tervuren. She is a versatile girl who enjoys tracking, obedience and agility. She has a AKC Tracking Title (TD) and Master Agility Championship(MACH3). She finished as the #1 Belgian Tervuren at the 2018 AKC Agility Invitational where she made the Finals finishing in the top 10 among all 24″ dogs.

DealerJoyful's Bet On Black AX AXJ
Dealer is our highest drive dog. He finds everything in life to be a blast!

ProtocolFive Points Official Procedure NA NAJ NF
He’s a sweet and hard working pup. We call him “Pro” for short. He’s the definition of boom or bust on the agility course.

MaydayDarleyfalls Radio Contact
Mayday is proof that big things can come in small packages. She’s a vibrant and smart young girl with a lot of potential.

ShineDarleyfalls Chasing Sunsets
Never Forgotten

TackleMACH2 Emeline's Gone Ice Fishing MXC MJG NF
He is driven, focused and has a huge stride length! Tackle enjoys tugging and playing ball and going for long walks! He recently achieved his Master Agility Championship title (MACH). Tackle was also a finalist in the 2019 AKC Agility National Championship in Tulsa, OK where he finished 6th overall in the 24″ class.

BomberMACH2 PACH2 Emeline's Caught In The Current CD RN MXC MJC MXP6 MXPS MJP7 MJPS PAX2 OF
Bomber is our first dog brought into the family as a “performance dog.” He is a versatile dog who has titles in obedience and agility. He’s got great drive and is a wonderful all-around dog. He has competed at the AKC National Agility Championship.

NuggetLori's Golden Nugget
Nugget is our original “mama” dog. She’s was never a formal performance dog but she was an important member to the Five Points pack.

RooLori's Little Bucka' Roo OA MXJ
Roo is Lori’s first agility dog. Roo and Prince are the ones that got things start for Lori and Joel in agility. She loved jumping from a puppy and her interest in moving and jumping brought her and Lori to explore agility.

PrincePrince AX MXJ
Prince was Joel’s first agility dog. His high energy and “need for a job” brought the both of them dog agility. He was fast and driven and had so much fun during his agility career.